CrossFit near ChampionsGate is saying bye September, Hello #squatober. We are changing gears for our BURN30 & BURN60 programs. By changing our focus a little this month, we are keeping members moving towards their fitness goals. We do this so that we do not plateau. Our bodies will be shocked and it will boost our fat loss & strength gain. This is how our fitness program near ChampionsGate is getting people RESULTS!
In October, we are going to focus on gaining more exposure and capacity with the barbell. We will be handling the barbell almost all week through October. The style of the strength will be short EMOM with weights between 60%-85%. Reps ranging from 2-5 each set. By focusing on EMOMs we will maximize and make the best use of our time while also accomplishing a good amount of volume. We know this is going to be a different style of strength training. For our athletes and for some their bodies will probably take a little time to adjust to the volume. BUT…it will pay HUGE dividends when they see how they are trimming BODY FAT. While they build lean muscle & strength.
Get ready to get a spooky amount of gains this month in the BURN60!
Welcome to Squatober in BURN30. We can’t believe October is already here, but that only means the fitness continues. August was all about building endurance. We put a big focus on workouts that were meant to BURN calories during and after your workout. September was all about focusing on the quality of movement; slowing up when needed and speeding up when possible. This month, we have a special treat in store and your legs & glutes will definitely thank you in the end. Each week, you will see squats and/or lunges programmed on 3-4 days. We are going to keep it fun and slowly increase the volume/intensity over the course of the month.Get ready for a wild and fun month. The squats will help build our powerhouse of strength – the legs and glutes, as well as build on everything we have already been fine tuning and learning! #squatober