With social media being such a major influence in our lives today it can sometimes be difficult to know what you should and shouldn’t believe when it comes to health and nutrition tips and tricks. There is so much information out there, what are you supposed to believe? Today we will debunk some of the biggest myths and misconceptions out there. 



  • “Calories in, calories out” is all that matters in weight loss.

Creating a calorie deficit by burning more energy than you take in is certainly the MOST important factor when it comes to weight loss, but it is most definitely not the only thing that matters. Relying solely on calorie intake doesn’t account for the large number of variables that can prevent somebody from losing weight such as hypothyroidism, metabolic adaptations, the use of certain medications and more. These conditions can make weight loss harder, even if they are following a strict diet. 

This concept also doesn’t really work because it fails to emphasize the importance of sustainability and diet quality for weight loss. When people follow this type of diet they sometimes forget to concentrate on the nutritional value of food and they focus more on the caloric value. 



  • High Fat Foods are Unhealthy.

Many people dear high fat foods and follow low fat diets in hopes that cutting their fat intake will benefit their overall health. However, dietary fat is essential for optimal health. It has actually been said that Higher Fat diets can be just as effective, if not even more effective than low fat diets when it comes to encouraging weight loss. Extremes in any direction whether it be a ton of fat, or little to no fat can be harmful to your health. 



  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

For the longest time people have thought that eating breakfast was one of the most important factors in setting yourself up for a healthy day. However research has shown that this might not be the case for most adults. When you skip breakfast you are unknowingly partaking in intermittent fasting which has been linked to many benefits including improved blood sugar control and reductions in inflammatory markers. Either way though, if you enjoy breakfast then eat it! If you’re not a breakfast person then skip it.



  • You need to eat small frequent meals for better health.

Eating small and frequently throughout the day is a method used by many that is said to boost metabolism and weight loss. However, if you’re eating healthy and nourishing your body the frequency of your meals does not matter as long as you are meeting your energy needs. That being said, certain conditions such as diabetes, IBS, coronary artery disease and even those who are pregnant may benefit from eating small meals throughout the day. 



  • You have to be skinny to be healthy. 

Obesity is associated with a number of health conditions like type two diabetes, heart disease, depression, certain cancers, and even death. Ultimately though, reducing your disease risk doesn’t mean that you have to be skinny. What comes above all is that you are consuming a nutritious diet and maintaining an active lifestyle as these behaviors can improve your body weight, and body fat percentage.


       The Take Away:

With Instagram, Facebook, Tik tok, Twitter and all of the major social media platforms being such a big part of our lives today we are fed a lot of false information. It’s hard not to believe every little thing that your favorite influencer is telling you but sometimes you need to slow down, and do a little bit of research. These influencers are not doctors, or scientists (most of the time) they just share their opinion on information that works for them. What works for one person may not work for another. Try not to believe everything you read or see.