July 2021
AFTERBURN NUTRITION GUIDE SIMPLICITY IS KEY In a nutshell, the Afterburn approach to eating is based on the notion that for optimal health, modern humans [...]
Calories in Vs. Calories out, what does this mean?
If you’ve ever tried losing weight, you have probably heard of the importance of “calories in vs. calories out.” The calories in vs. calories out [...]
5 Tips To Help you Cut Processed Foods
In the last 40 days or so, I have spent a lot of time really paying attention to what foods I am putting into my [...]
June 2021
Does Sweating Burn Fat?
The Florida heat is harsh, and at times it feels unbearable, especially during exercise. It is normal to be dripping sweat during your workout. Whether [...]
Paleo Power Bowls
Power Bowls are a great way to not only fill your body with nutrient dense foods, but also to use up some stuff that you [...]
Paleo Breakfast Fritatta
It's easy to get sick of the same old paleo breakfast of eggs, and turkey bacon everyday. So, to switch things up a little bit [...]